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Tuesday 28 October 2014

Islam Basically Easy

Islam basically Easy

Islam is a basically too easy but people make it difficult. If any muslim want to do some work good 

and some good deeds 

then he /she should do directly as a muslim and contact to the way of Allah and his prophet means 
follow the Quran and hadith . Like when if we want pay our prayer purely and perfectly then adopt 

the way of Quran and sunnah no need to go any Firqah(tableeghi Jammat, Wahabi, Ahl e hadithi

etc). Because when we found the different  scholar or other ulma's methodology whose they are related to the any firqah then any religious

 work or deed is so much difficult. So this is a big problem. We are only a muslim and muslim do any work

 or action easily with the help and way of Allah and his Last Messanger "Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him".    

Quran says

Qul atiullah wa atiurrasool

Translation:"Say:Obey Allah And obey His Messenger"

Thanks and Follow the sugesstion of a muslim sister who tell to you go to the easy way of islam, 

dont mixup your mind and thinking straight way adopt. Insha Allah all muslims successfull their good deeds.

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