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Friday 31 October 2014

Hadith about some eatable things

Some herbs, plants , fruits etc are in the shifa for human body.

1. Black seed:

Within Islam there are many herbs, plants and fruits that are believed to have medicinal and healing properties. Olive, pomegranate, dates and figs are amongst those that are directly mentioned in the Qur’an as blessed foods. However, there is only one that can stake a claim as a super food and that is Black cumin or Habbat ul sawda as it is known in Arabic. 

According to hadith, the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) is believed to have said: “In the black seed is healing for every disease except death.” (Sahih Bukhari) 

2. Honey:

   The holy Quran and Hadith refer to honey as a healer of disease.
'And thy Lord taught the bee to build its cells in hills, on trees and  
in (men's) habitations..... there issues from within their bodies a  
drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for mankind. Verily in 
this is a Sign for those who give thought'. 
(Translation of Quran 16:68-69)
    the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
'Honey is a remedy for every illness and the Qur'an is a remedy   
 for all illness of the mind, therefore I recommend to you both 
remedies, the Qur'an and honey.' Bukhari

  3. Date:
      Eating date fruit is good for health

It is recommended to break our fast on dates”, as Prophet 

Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him) used to do:

“Break your fast by eating dates as it is 

purifying.” (Narrated by Ahmad)
The Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "There is a tree among the trees which is similar to a Muslim (in goodness), and that is the date palm tree." (Bukhari,  (65): 359)

4.Olive (Zaitoon)

Fig is a tree brought to India during the Moghul rule and has stayed over since. The leaves are highly useful as feed for cattle. Figs are high sources of calcium, iron and copper. Zinc is also moderately present. Vit. A and C are present in all forms of fig fruit while Vit. A is lost by 30 percent in dry ones. Vit B complex and vit D are also present.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (t) narrates that the Prophet (Pbuh) stated, “ Eat the olive oil and apply it (locally), since there is cure for seventy diseases in it, one of them is Leprosy.” (Abu Naim)

Hazrat Zaid Bin Arqam narrates “ We have been directed by the Prophet (Pbuh) that we should treat the Pleurisy with Qust-e-Behri (Qust Sheerin) and olive oil.” (Tirmizi, sanadeAhmed, Ibn Maja)

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