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Saturday 1 November 2014

Iman e mufassil & mujammil

Iman e mufassil and Iman e Mujammil:

Meaning of Iman:

     Iman can be stated as acknowledging God with full sincerity of heart whilst accepting all His attributes and their obvious corollaries.
"The root of imān is amn. It is used in various shades of meaning.[8] One of its derivatives is mu'min, which is amongst the noble names of Allah because He gives peace to those who seek His refuge. This word is also an ancient religious term. Hence the certitude which exists with humility, trust and all the conditions and corollaries of adherence to a view is called imān and he who professes faith in Allah, in His signs and in His directives and submits himself to Him and is pleased with all His decisions is a mu'min."
There are six features of Iman which are mentioned in the Holy Quran.

1. Belief in one God 
2. Belief the angels
3. Belief in the Books
4. Belief in the messangers
5.Belief in the day of judgement
6. Belief in the predestination

Mentioned below Hadith of Jibrael (A.S)

   "Iman is that you believe in God and His Angels and His Books and His Messengers and the Hereafter and the good and evil fate [ordained by your God]."
      Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet said: "Iman has more than 70 branches. The most excellent among these branches is the saying of "Laa ilaaha ill Allah" (there is no God but Allah), and the smallest branch is to remove an obstacle from the wayside. And Haya (modesty) is an important branch of Iman."
All the muslims should first of all learn these 2 duas of Iman and also learn their kids.

  So now i all muslims know about the importance of "Iman e Mufassil and Iman e mujammil"
here is mentioned below in english and Arabic both.

         Bilal bhai disply this article on ur blog


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