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Saturday 8 November 2014

five pillars in Islam

Five Pillars of Islam:

What are Pillars and why these necessary?
         Every Building constructed based on the pillars.if there are no pillars no one building cannot construct without any pillar.Same as the Islam based on five major Pillars these are called Pillars of Islam . And the question is how pillars make strong so its depend on material. If the person will use normal and bocus material then they make a normal building these based are not very powerful, periodically it is not for long time. some rains , storms, thunderstorm destroys these type of buildings.but when we will used heavy and expensive material so we will make a good and beautiful building same as the building of islam as that beautiful and strong when we will make our faith and believe as strong as that the way of Quran and sunnah if we will go the straight path and right path our islamic building make stronger no one cannot demolish it our faith and strictly pay all our rules islamic rules truthfully honestly then its make more strong no enemy break our unity when we loose our faith then some people make it rough and get to letdown the islamic value and muslims unity.

 There are five major Pillars of Islam: 

 2.Namaz (Salat & prayer)
 3. Zakat
 4. Fast (Saum)
 5. Hajj

Our Religion's building stand on these pillars which to do observant us our islamic duties.and as a muslim every muslim should restrictly in their duties.The Five Pillars of Islam represent the duties of a Muslim. Like the Ten Commandments, they provide a spiritual foundation and function.
These duties will be  explained in shortly under there.

1.Tawheed:Declaration of Faith in Allah   The first Pillar of Islam is called shahada. It is a brief prayer proclaiming the oneness of God and faith in Islam. Children memorize the shahada, an action which introduces them into the Islamic community. The shahada simply states:
"There is no God but Allah,
and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."                                                                                

2. Namaz (Salat):Prayer towards Mecca five times daily
                 The second pillar is called salat. It requires Muslims to pray five times a day toward Mecca. They must pray at Fajar before sunrise, at noon Zuhar, at afternoon Asar, at after sunsets in the evening Mughrib, at night Ishaa. In Muslim countries, the call to prayer is announced from a minaret atop a mosque. A mosque is where Muslims gather to pray, although it is acceptable to pray alone. In many Islamic countries, women pray at home. If they pray with the men, they do so from behind them or in a separate group. The leader of a mosque is called an imam, which means "one who walks before." The imam leads the prayer and gives sermons.

3. Zakat:The welfare contribution.
        zakat, is the third basic requirement. Muslims are expected to give to the poor and sick. Although the zakat is not regulated by the government, sincere Muslims regard it as an important religious duty. In fact, the Koran addresses almsgiving as an essential quality of an honest Muslim, a gateway into heaven.

4.Sawm(Fast): Fasting during Ramadan.
   Sawm is perhaps the most demanding of the Five Pillars. It requires that Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. During this period, food and drink are not allowed between dawn and sunset.The fast represents a special time of purification and religious devotion.

5.Hajj:pilgrimage to Makkah.

Exhort all men to make the pilgrimage. They will come to you on foot and on the backs of swift camels from every distant quarter . . .
Then let the pilgrims spruce themselves, make their vows, and circle the Ancient House. Such is Allah's commandment.
(Koran, Surah 22, The Pilgrimage)
Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca which every Muslim is expected to make at least once. A pilgrimage is a journey to a sacred place or shrine. Unlike the other four Pillars, the Hajj can be skipped if it involves great hardships.

written by Mrs.shaheena Wajid

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