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Friday 26 June 2015

First ashra of ramazan Marciful

      By: Mrs.shaheena wajid                            

                    In The First 10 Day (First Ashra) Of Ramadan

The Holy Month of Ramadan is categorized into three divisions are called three ashra Every division comprises of 10 days and is called ‘Ashra’. All the three Ashras of Ramadan have their own specialty and on the bases of that specialty, Muslims make according supplications for each month and try to focus their attention on the respective virtues that come with a particular Ashra.
The First Ashra of Ramadan is of Mercy and a Muslim is supposed to seek mercy of Allah Almighty in this month. With every prayer, Quran recitation and Nafal prayer, the objective of a Muslim should be to invoke Allah Almighty for His mercy. In one of Hadith Qudsi, it is narrated that Allah says:
“O son of Adam! However much you call upon Me and place your hopes in Me, I will forgive you without any reservation. O son of Adam! If you have sins piling up to the clouds and then ask My forgiveness, I will forgive you without any reservation. O son of Adam! If you come to me with enough mistakes to fill the Earth, and meet Me without associating anything as a partner with Me, I will come to you with enough forgiveness to fill the Earth.” (Tirmidhi)
From this hadith it is clear that forgiveness from Allah Almighty is perhaps His biggest and greatest mercy. Therefore, when in the first Ashra of Ramadan, it is actually the seeking of forgiveness that presents itself in the form of mercy.
                                       First Ten Days---Days of Mercy

Ramadan And Concept Of Ashra
The word Ashra is an Arabic word meaning ten. Ramadan has three parts and each part is of ten days, making it a month of three Ashras.
  1. First Ashra: (First ten days of ramazan) – Days of Mercy
  2. Second Ashra (Second ten days) – Days of forgiveness
  3. Third Ashra (Last ten days) – Days to seek refuge from Hellfire
  1. First Ashra – Days of Mercy
The first ten days of Ramadan is to seek mercy from Allah, as His mercy is boundless and it is unto us to ask for His mercy to be shower upon us. Dua for First Ashra is:
Translation: O! My Lord forgive and have Mercy and You are the Best of Merciful
Be Merciful To Fellow Beings
The objective of first Ashra is practicing being merciful to your fellow beings by
  1. Giving charity, the act Allah loves the most.
  2. Treat fellow Muslims well by controlling your temper.
  3. Help people whenever wherever and never say no to them because Allah helps those who help others.
  4. Supplicate:
    Perhaps the best method of invoking Allah Almighty and asking for His blessings and mercy in the first ten days of Ramadan is supplicating in front of Allah Almighty. When a Muslim supplicates to Allah Almighty it means that he or she is aware of the fact that only He is the one who can fulfill their desires and He is the Only Lord worthy of worship. In Quran, Allah Almighty instructs Muslims to seek mercy and forgiveness in the following way:
    My Lord, Forgive and have Mercy
    “O My Lord, forgive me and have mercy upon me for You are the best of the merciful.” (23:118)
    From this ayah of Quran, it is clear that a Muslim must seek mercy and forgiveness from Allah Almighty as only He is the one Who is the Best Merciful. Therefore, when it comes to mercy there is no need of searching for anyone else, as the Supreme form it is with Allah Almighty.
    Supplicating to Allah Almighty excessively in the first ten days of Ramadan is actually a way of remembering Him. For those who remember Him, for them Allah says:
    Fasting As Mercy:
    If one sees from a keener perspective, then one ultimately reaches the conclusion that the act of fasting in itself is a Mercy from Allah Almighty. In Quran, Allah Almighty says:
    Observing al-sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you
    “O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.” (2:183)
    From this ayah of Quran it is clear that the objective of fasting in Ramadan is to make a person righteous and on the path of virtue. This seeking and attaining of righteousness in itself is a mercy of Allah Almighty, therefore, when a person undergoes fast, actually he or she progresses towards righteousness, and this pavement towards righteousness which is laid down as an obligation for Muslims is actually what makes fasting a mercy. Therefore, in the first ten days of Ramadan a Muslim must keep all the fasts with enthusiasm and the hope of attaining righteousness with the aid of mercy of Allah Almighty.
    In Quran, Allah Almighty says:
    Worship Allah
    “I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (51:56)
    From this ayah one of the purposes of creation of mankind is clear, as per which the humans are created to worship Allah Almighty. Therefore, those who worship Him come under His umbrella of mercy and blessings.
    A Muslim must worship Allah Almighty in the first ten days of Ramadan in every way possible. This worshiping can include the daily prayers, the Traweeh prayer at night, the recitation of Holy Quran throughout the day whenever time is available and His praise in the form of Tasbeeh. Therefore, a Muslim must adopt every way possible pertaining to worshiping Allah Almighty so that he or she could receive the mercy in abundance.
    Therefore, to gather mercy in the first ten days of Ramadan, a Muslim must resort to worship, fasting, and supplication.
    Quote about Ramazan

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